Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Norway in review (2)

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Norway is a grandly scenic country! It is a modern, efficient, clean country with high levels of services. It is possible to draw similarities to Australia as well as contrasts.
Similaries include high levels of tourism, and economy that is resourse oriented. Both Norway and Australia are big exporters of resources; Norway being ranked just above Australia (6 and 7 respectively; WTO Report 2010). Norway's popularion is 5.1 million compared to Australia's 23.1 million. So their resource income per person is over 5 times Australia's, and probably second only to Saudi Arabia.
Being a top exporter is not a new thing. As far back as the 19th century Norway was a top exporter of fish, ice and timber, helped by they fjords that gave them all season access to much of the country. In the 1890's Norway was exporting 340,000 tons of ice each year. (In the same time frame Australia was a top exporter of wheat and wool.)
A few years ago now we visited the London Canal Museum and peered down into a huge Victorian ice well used to store ice imported from Norway and brought by ship and canal into the suburbs of London. It was a physically demanding trade, but fortunes were made.




Our ability to see so many highlights in a relatively short time is no doubt due to their efficient public transport, good linkages with private transport providers, and world class roads and accommodation.

Our take away was not to be overly deterred by the high prices, but proceed well prepared so that you can maximise your experience in a relatively short time.


The mainline trains have restaurant cars and catering in keeping with the length of trip. Similarly railways stations have facilities in keeping with their size.