Friday 26 June 2015

Sligo to Galway

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As we left Sligo the weather turned again. And we were leaving Yeats country for Joyce country! Again as in the north of Ireland, the country is green down to the ocean, rugged and beautiful. In places there are peat bogs, and sheep are the predominant primary industry. There are deserted and ruined farm houses and new ones. But between the basic farm houses are the much grander ones of those from the city who have made the sea change or at least decided to establish a holiday house.

It is the end of school term here and children are experiencing the new, like surfing; wets suits a necessity! There was actually some surf but only for the hardy and facilities are basic.




Beautiful and rugged scenery, with hilltops below the cloud line. The route along the coastline was called very aptly The Wild Atlantic Way.

We travelled through a number of glacial valleys, with lakes and fast flowing streams. A few farms had signs out selling 'wild salmon' and smoked 'wild salmon'.




Finally we arrive in Galway, check into our B+B, and walk up-town! Galway is known for its vibrant pub and music culture, often located in the ancient buildings of its centre. It also is a popular tourist destination and this provides the new money for an old mix.




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