We were a little under whelmed by Tipperary; possibly it is having a slow down before the Churn Rolling Championship! The biggest action appeared to be at O'Dwyer Brothers! Our B+B's landlady later entertained us with a story of how she once saw a nun in full habit coming out of the Snooty Pig, but even it was quiet on that night!
Finally we wandered into Kiely's pub with a quiet dining room, and were soon in conversation with Eddy who assured us this was the best place in town to eat and that the Kiely family had invented 7Up, before "selling it to the Amercians"! He also told us that he was revisiting his home, and had played at a festival just out of town the previous night.
Eddy was born in 1930, left school at 14as parents had to pay for schooling after age 14. At 17 he rode his bike to Dublin, sold the bike and worked for the benevolent Guinnes Company for the first 5 weeks after which he gained alternative accommodation and work.
After a great dinner at Kiely's we drove the 8 kM back into the Glen of Aherlow and our B+B. Imagine our surprise at breakfast when Eddy appeared! He was staying at the same B+B! So we had a further grand chat about his very interesting life. He was dressed in his best for the scattering of his cousin's ashes at the spot where she played as a girl. Earlier in the week he had cleared the over grown area and he was hoping for a dozen to be there for the scattering and wake! Such an interesting person.
3 of our group visited the Waterford Crystal visitors centre taking the 9Euro tour of the 'special orders' section.
The tour was followed by an opportunity to purchase items.
The Republic has VAT of 9% making products and accommodation cheaper than in the U.K. with its 20% VAT. This difference appears to significantly assist its tourism industry.
Waterford is a Viking name and its 'Viking Triangle' was one of the few locations where the Vikings built rather than just raided. (They also built in Dublin.)
In the 19th century there were 5 ship builders in Waterford in addition to having a working port.
It was a sunny afternoon in Dublin.
People were out in the parks, pubs, and listening to music. Children were also feeding the ducks, who are out numbered by sea gulls.
Again a variety of talent was on display and on the Hop on Hop off tours the musical talent continued with the driver giving commentary as well as some verses of well known Irish songs.

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