Tuesday 7 July 2015


Copyright © noel.moore@gmail.com. All comments and questions are welcome.

We left Aalesund at 1am and after watching the departure we retired to our cabin for a few hours sleep. While we slept we called at 2 ports, and we rose early before Floro. The cloud was hanging low over the islands (centre of collage) creating a mystical effect.

A couple of the passages between islands were less than the length of our ship, the MS Nordkapp.

By late morning the sun was out and we were into "the best summers days in 2 years"; according to an Australian living in Bergen. Locals were enjoying their weekend in the sun and on boats.

As we approached Bergen we passed under 2 bridges; one with minimal clearance.


We did not eat at Bergen's fish market which we felt was totally tourist oriented. They did have a great array of seafood, but at high prices. The were also doing a good trade in sausages made from reindeer, whale and moose.

Around town there were a number of perches for seagulls and pigeons.



Along the side of the old harbour, between the fish market and Rosenkrantz Tower, there are a series of old wooden warehouses. These have been converted into multiple specialist shops; commonly know as "tourist traps"! They could also be a fire trap with all that old wood. As we walked through we saw a group of local fire officers do ad hoc inspections.

Tourist groups were also being led through the alleys to observe the architecture and ambience. We saw groups #16, 17 and 18 from a cruise ship passing through in the time we were there. Surely they must start feeling like numbers?

On our last evening in Bergen, on our way back to the hotel, we noted that an organ recital was about to start in the Domkirk. It lasted 1 hour (precisely) and was scheduled as part of an "International Organ Festival".

Such a Festival shows a desire to broaden Bergen's appeal with a degree of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately the acoustics do not match those of the grand European gothic cathedrals.

From Bergen we travelled by train to Voss. (Again the rail platform was 100 M (+/-10M) from our Hotel's front door.). At the station they were doing some ad hoc promotion of "Norway in a Nutshell", essentially the package we were following in our last 2 days.

At Voss we boarded a bus for the trip over "The steepest road in northern Europe"; 18% average, 20% maximum. Along the way the driver slowed or stopped for more waterfall pictures.

We then boarded MV Fjord1 for the trip along a V shaped fjord. At the point of the V the connection to the ocean heads off. We saw a few tourists who had to take the slow mode, namely kayaks.

Finally into Flam. And it was still raining. One of our few wet days.





********** I wrote 3 TripAdvisor reviews while in Bergen, including this restaurant review:


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