Sunday 5 July 2015

Oslo to Aalesund: 2 July 2015

Copyright © All comments and questions are welcome.

Another big day! 4hrs by rail Oslo to Dombas following a string of lakes northward with Lillehamar being a major stop at which many tourists boarded. The train was of good quality with assigned seats with a restaurant car.

We passed thru alternate areas of wheat, fodder and timber.

The train was late into Dombas but the connecting train was waiting and we were rushed onboard. This was a smaller 'regional service'.

I have already commented that I judge Norwegian trains to be very good. They run on standard gauge (4 foot 8.5inch) and like Germany and Switzerland, single phase 15kV (I think) @ 16 2/3 Hz; mostly motor converted from commercial 50 Hz 3 phase.


A change of trains then thru the incredible Raumabanen vale for 125kM, including 2 x 180degree tunnels to zig zag down the valley side and multiple bridges swapping sides of the valley.

The volume of water cascading down is incredible. Everywhere you look it is rushing water!


Finally the valley flattened out and at Andalsnes we changed for a 2 hr bus trip to Alesund. The road passes through a 7kM tunnel and a number in the 2 to 4kM range. We were happy to get out of the bus and walk the few hundred metres with a couple from Melbourne to our hotel.

Alesund is near the ocean end of a series of fjords. It has a feeling of Venice to it with channels, sea, and islands in each direction, with boats of all types and sizes seeking harbour.

Sunset here is at 11:31pm tonight and it will be up 4hrs later! It never gets completely dark.








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