Saturday 7 May 2016

6 May 2016: Maiori and the Lemon Path.

After a lengthy detour via the Post Office, we took the steep steps up to Santa Maria a Mare Collegiate Church, whose name comes from the stature found on the beach in Maiori in 1200. It has pride of place behind the altar, and many miracles are attributed to it.

But the lemons here are huge putting my little backyard shrub to shame. This variety displayed in the street is bigger than a softball.

From the church we commenced the Lemon Path walk over the hill to Minori.

The towns of Maiori and Minori have been exporting lemons for over a thousand years and they are the historic home of Italy's lemon industry.The only access to the higher terraces is by foot and donkeys. It's amazing to watch them scale and come down the stone steps.

The down hill section of path into Minori came as a relief and was a steeper gradient; mostly steps. We met another mule train and learnt what getting on the wrong side of an ass on a corner means.

Soon we were sitting down at a sea front cafe (just out of shot) enjoying a cool drink and sweet. I tried a baba with the local limoncello; lemon liquor!

Then we took our lives in our hands acting like locals, walking on the edge of the narrow road back to Manori past their small fishing harbour. I'll look for fish on the menu tonight.







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