Monday 7 November 2016

Nature Reserves

There are 50 tiger reserves in India. We have now visited 3, and although we are yet to sight one of these shy animals, we are assured that the number of tigers is increasing. Certainly the existence of these Reserves is creating income for rural Indians. Mudumalai in Tamil Nardu was the second reserve we visited on 6th November.

Our first sightings of young elephants was in Bandipur Reserve 80 km from Mysore.





We were just too late to see a group of 5 cross the road in the Mudumalai Reserve. This mother and child were making a hasty retreat into the bush and towards water.

We also saw a number of spotted deer and monkeys in both Reserves.








In the second Reserve we saw a number of wild boar, and bison who kept to the thick undergrowth (their natural food) and thereby defied photos in spite of their large size.




And yes, the monkeys make no attempt to hide.


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