Monday 7 November 2016

People along the way

People are continuing to wish to be photographed with Lenore. This is with the doorman at our Mysore hotel.

In Balgalore we visited the big Bull Temple. The priest welcomed us, and put red dots on our foreheads, and accepted a donation. The Bull is carved from a giant piece of granite, coated black. We saw an almost as large outdoor big Bull just outside Mysore; the location of a suitable granite boulder is of major importance.

This lady was carrying firewood up the "36 hair pin" road into Ooty. I'd imagine that many of those killed on this road would be pedestrians. We gave her one of our bottles of water and a couple of bananas!

When we moved into rural Tamil Nadu the dress code for older men visibly changed. This is wearing the wrap around cloth style.

In the same rural town (to above)which is just outside a tiger Reserve, a wedding was taking place. We have seen many weddings, but this one came to us and we ended up in the middle of the celebration.

I also shot a little video with the brass band coming through loud and strong.

In a rural town outside Mysore:

"Once a teacher, always a teacher! Lenore was back in the class room today, a Saturday.

We visited a small government primary school (years 1 - 7) in a rural area just outside Mysore. There were 60 in this combined class today as a young teacher was away "at college"; no discipline problems here! The class politely stood and greeted us. (I am not quite sure what they thought of having 2 Australians drop in unannounced.)

Then the formalities of going to the principal's office where we chatted with the principal and 2 senior male teachers. There are 145 children enrolled in the school, and 130+ in attendance today. The Principal wished to serve us tea or coffee but our guide/driver moved us away; very protective of our digestive track. Then onto a class 6 room, with desks for the students, and a slightly older (mid twenties) female teacher. I think there were 2 other classes we did not visit.

Education is highly prized here, and many parents choose private schools. Private Students must have 3 uniforms of different colours. They wear their main uniform on Monday and Tuesday, a second on Wednesday while the first is washed to wear on Thursday and Friday, and then their Saturday uniform.

PS The photographed class room has no ceiling or fans! It was a mild 32C today, but I suspect it would be hot in summer."

In the gardens surrounding the Mysore Summer Palace, on a hot afternoon, this lady was at work. Selling water or drinks I believe.

Lenore in action again, at the Mysore Summer Place. After being invited to join their photo, Lenore took one of them.

In the Tiger Reserve, this family wanted Lenore to join their holiday photo.

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