Monday 16 March 2015

Day 5: 4th March 2015


We spent a night in Castle Bijaipur; a 16th century castle that is now converted into a heritage hotel run by the local ruling family.

We were entertained by welcoming music at the gate supplemented by our guide on key board. In the evening we were entertained in the central courtyard while drinks were served and then had an excellent Indian meal by the pool.

The current maharaja circulated during dinner and chatted with each of us. Photos of his ancestors were displayed in the sheltered pavilion near our room.



Before dinner we took a stroll through the nearby town and stopped to drank chi. Again we were a source of quirosity for the locals including the 5 guys on a motorcycle (count the legs).

We were now starting to understand the layout of these rural towns with their administration quarter; police, ambulance, tax administration, schools et al.

As it was evening farm workers and cattle alike were returning to their homes for the night.



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