Friday 20 March 2015

'Ganga Maiya' (Mother Ganga); 18 & 19 March 2015


The River Ganges or Ganga is perhaps the holiest river in any religion. ... in Hinduism and respectfully referred to as 'Gangaji' or 'Ganga Maiya' (Mother Ganga).

With sunset approaching we fight, almost literally, our way though the crowds; pilgrims, tourists, shoppers, cows and children playing.

Cremations take place at any time of day, but possibly with day light fading, the urgency increases at Manikarnka Ghat.

A couple of cows wandered between the Philes feeding on floral wreaths.




The sunset ritual (top) is performed by 7 bramins, and the sunrise by a sole bramin. Both are about 1 hour duration. They are performed by young bramin as they are physically demanding; especially the sunrise ritual.




Sunrise over the Ganges!






People performing the morning (bathing) ritual. They will then receive instruction from a bramin and then go to a Temple.


Lenore and Noel heading out onto the Ganga.






These boys are performing a constant Indian ritual at sunrise. Cricket!

There are naturally local rules; on the full into Ganga is not 6! It is out!


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