Tuesday 17 March 2015

India: Lucknow; 16th March 2015: overview.

Lucknow has a number of interesting sites, and we were not unhappy that we had taken the time to overnight. Those on a world wind tour of half a day probably cover the highlights. After the "trials of the train" from New Delhi our hotel was okay, and we ate dinner in the restaurant trying to stay away from hot Indian hot food! We only parly succeeded and enjoyed ice cream for desert! Lenore's opinion is coloured by a cold shower experience.

The hotel was located on a significant urban road so for many hours we had the constant honking of horns. There was also heavy rain, much lightning and loud electronic music from a party in the hotel (Sunday night!). On that Sunday there was much crop damage and a dozen deaths in Rajisthan from the unseasonable heavy rain and hail.

In spite of all this we soon fell asleep and I slept until the 'sunrise call to prayer' drifted in. Soon the horns started again.

The taxi driver from the station who used the "pay what ever you want" strategy, tried to book us for a day tour. We arranged a car from the hotel instead; 1200rp plus parking charges for the day. He dropped us at the railway station well in advance of our train.

We filled in the afternoon with one shop for textiles and spending an hour in a park in New Lucknow (across the river from the original town). The park charged a small entrance fee, plus parking, and was promoted as a haven for birds; what we saw included many couples sitting and reclining, holding hands, cuddling and exchanging a peck on the cheek. Where this fits into the arranged marriage methodology, I am not sure! (The bird park visit was the result of the elephant park across the road being closed on Mondays, and did provide quite reasonable 'public toilets' - a great surprise.)


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