Thursday 26 March 2015

Dragon Kingdom: Day 2


We visited the Tango University for Buddhist Studies. I was told that the monks walk up from the car part in 20 minutes. I took 1 hr 20 min including many stops to recovery. It was a unique experience to sit in a room with over 100, possibly 200 monks chanting. When they graduate theY will be Masters at various monistories.


I was then able to view their temple Buddhas with relics, before retracing our steps down the slope. There is a variety of vegetation on the slopes, including bright red flowering rhododendrons.


(Top right) the one traffic control point in Bhutan, with a policewoman on duty in the centre of a crossroads.

(Left) the worlds largest Buddah, a 51m high bronze figure on a hill overlooking Thumphu.

(Bottom right) the story of Dzongs.





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