Saturday 21 March 2015

Katmandu: 20 March 2015


We were greeted at the entrance to Katmandu Durbar Square by this couple in exaggerated Hindu 'holy man' costume. I have never seen or heard of a female Hindu holy figure, Hindus are a minority in Nepal, and this pair certainly wanted money for their photo; he suggested 500R, I gave him 100R. The square is World Heritage listed and has an entrance fee of 750R each for foreigners (about AUD 10). We were immediately fielding offers from guides, which we declined. 30 years ago when I walked through the square, there was no fee, few foreigners and no guides.

We started the morning by going to Swayambhu Stupa; 200R entrance, many pilgrims and French speaking tourists. Therefore many French speaking vendors.

Swayambhu Stupa takes your breath away in many ways! It's size, its artistry and the fact that Buddhist pilgrims have come here since the 5th century AD. Its origins however, date to a much earlier time, long before the arrival of Buddhism. The flapping prayer flags are a lasting memory.

Its lofty white dome and glittering golden spire are visible for many miles and from all sides of the valley.

The Sherpa spirit lives! These guys are running loads up stone steps to vendors near the Stupa.




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