Friday 6 March 2015

India Day 4: 3rd March 2015

Day 3
Driving south-west from Karauli towards Bundi we travelled thru agricultural land with many towns and constant cattle and farm equipment on the roads; narrow, bumpy roads with many pot holes. All the skills of our driver where called upon as he had to constantly expect the unexpected. The road users appear to be perfectly adapted to their environment, with few visible signs of accidents.

When we stopped for lunch we saw this young mother wearing the colourful head scarfs favoured in this area. Shades of a "pre-Raphaelite" beauty!

Some farm holdings are small with limited infrastructure, but the soil is futile and the crops appear heathy. The markets are full of a variety of fruit and vegetables; all fresh.



Rudyard Kipling is associated with Bundi as he lived and wrote in this house on the edge of town. The city centre presented as being both busy and prosperous.



Bundi is also known for its many "step wells"; the number of steps to reach water depending on the seasonal variation in the water table. As elsewhere there is concern over the falling height of the table!



In towns and villages there appears to be a standard water pump which tourists sometimes try to use, with varying levels of success and amusement to the locals.

The "royal palace" has moved from the huge and strategic Fort (visited on day 5) to the edge of town. A member of the family welcomed us and agreed to this photo with one of our Aussies. Noel tested the comfort of the bed in one of the guest tents, which was spacious, air conditioned, and with a large bathroom.

The site is on the opposite end of the lake to RK's house!

In the evening a beautiful meal from the palace kitchen was enjoyed, following drinks around a bon fire.








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